Find a Team Mate

If you are looking for a team mate for the event, then we can add your profile below for others to see, or you can join our Pioneer 'Find a Team Mate' Facebook Group'.

To have your profile added, please email us at, with a photo and answers to these five questions; age, location, ability/fitness level, goals for the event, email address.

If you secure a team mate, please email and let us know so we can remove you from the page. 

Fitness level scale: 5 = Elite, 4 = Club Racer, 3 = Experienced, 2 = Social Rider, 1 = Beginner

Armand A Aziz

Armand A Aziz

Armand A Aziz

Age: 54

Location: Singapore

Ability/fitness level: 3 Experienced. Did C2C and R2R

Goals for the event: Enjoy the Pioneer atmosphere and complete the race


Gustavo Vilella

Gustavo Vilella

Age: 46

Location: Brazil

Ability/Fitness: Level 3 Experienced. Did BCBR, Cape Epic, Swiss Epic and Brasil Ride

Goals for the event: Complete the race, enjoying the ride

Email address: